Журнал «Софія»

EASR 2021

Раді повідомити, що ми отримали офіційне запрошення для участі у релігієзнавчій конференції (EASR 2021) у м. Піза (Італія)!
Закрита панель Religious security as a factor of resilience in a pandemic situation in Ukraine. Учасники: Євген Харьковщенко, Олена Предко, Марія Нестерова, Катерина Козар, Носенок Богдана.
Dear Yevhen Kharkovshenko,
after having read, together with the other reviewers, more than 800 proposals, I am pleased to inform you that your abstract n. 309, has been accepted for Oral presentation at EASR 2021. In case the referees made some comments regarding your paper, we will write a separate, individual, email asking for some revisions or changes.

Notwithstanding the pandemic circumstances, we still dare to hope that the conference can physically be held in Pisa, being confident that the summer and the vaccination campaign will improve the situation. In that case, we will comply with all the safety rules prescribed by the Italian Government and the University of Pisa as far as congresses are concerned.
Nevertheless, we are also ready for a hybrid conference and have already arranged the online version, in collaboration with the University and the Oxford Abstract company that manages our software.

The organizing committee here in Pisa will take its final decision, whether to deliver the entire conference online only or in a hybrid form at the end of June at the latest, depending on how the situation evolves.
In the next few days we will also define and finalize the registration fees, which will be differentiated according to the actual modality of participation (either physical or online). We are trying to reduce the fees to the minumum, especially for younger scholars and for those attending online. However, the present large uncertainties make it difficult to calculate their exact amount: for this reason we kindly ask you to wait a couple of weeks before the registration process starts, and we thank you for your patience and understanding.
Guidelines for presentations and registration will be soon posted on the conference website, and we will inform each of you by email.

In the meantime, in order to ensure a better organization and schedule of the programme, could you please let us know if you have already opted for online attendance only, i.e. you do not plan to come to Pisa in any case. We would also ask you to inform us of any request about the slots in which you wish to have your presentation scheduled (i.e. if you prefer avoiding some days, or if you live in a different time zone and plan to attend online).
To do this, please send an email to chiara.tommasi@unipi.it
We look forward to seeing you in Università di Pisa, Dipartimento di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere from Monday, 30th August, 2021, either really or virtually in aetherial space!

With best wishes,
Chiara O. Tommasi, on behalf of the Organising Committee
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Харьковщенко Євген Анатолійович

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