Журнал «Софія»

18th Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions

The call for papers for the 18th Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions, Pisa 30 August - 3 September 2021, is now open.

We invite delegates to submit their abstracts for either workshop sessions, short individual communications, or posters (the final deadline is 31 January 2021). Please visit 
We hope to be able to run an IRL conference; however, should the circumstances make it impossible to organise a full-scale physical event, the conference will be held in a hybrid form and streamed on a dedicated online platform.
The conference aims at focusing on the role played by religion as a resilient tool or as a tool for resilience. Resilience can be considered as the ability to counteract or absorb a process of transformation. It is also characterized by a capacity to endure changes without having to adapt permanently, an ability to find what best suits new environmental conditions; and an awareness of how to cope with a crisis. Similarly, concepts such as crisis, revolution or progress, which recur in different periods and contexts and which also play an important role in religions, can be understood as an
interaction between the two antithetical (and yet interrelated) concepts of resilience and acceleration, either in historical time and/or geographical contexts, where the simultaneous presence of the two aspects can be observed. Even the mere cognizance of a change, which sometimes is only perceived and not entirely coincident with the actual change, can lead to a definitive transformation and show a causal interconnection between different structures. Interventions are welcome that focus on theoretical questions or on in-depth analysis of case studies of particular relevance, appealing to scholars from many fields, such as religion, anthropology/sociology, history, senses, and globalization.
Further details may be found at the conference website
Please feel free to circulate this information to your contacts. We look forward to receiving your proposals. For any information, please contact chiara.tommasi@unipi.it

Headmaster quoteЯкщо не можеш змінити обставини, зміни своє відношення до них" - Марк Аврелій
Харьковщенко Євген Анатолійович

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